
Dog Catches Karen and Entitled Kid Red-Handed, Resulting in Jail Time


People who inflict harm on animals are despicable.

In my view, individuals who cause harm to innocent animals cannot be considered humane. Witnessing people hurl small rocks at squirrels is always disheartening, especially when it results in injury to the creatures. Despite this, some individuals persist in such actions, finding amusement in the suffering they cause. While I recognize that children may not always comprehend the repercussions of their actions, it is the duty of adults to educate them. Therefore, it is unjustifiable for parents to use the excuse that their children are merely kids, particularly when they are teenagers.

While it's essential to have faith in your child, one must also consider who needs protection the most and whether the child truly made an error. Failing to hold them accountable only fosters a sense of entitlement and irresponsibility. This is a lesson that one woman needed to learn. Rather than reprimanding her child for attempting to harm a dog, she chose to deflect blame onto the dog's owner instead.

You can find the complete story below.

Source: Reddit

We start off this story with some background information on where the fence was.

OP had a dog named Sarie and she was well-loved in the neighborhood.


And while OP was fine with people coming over to say hi to the good doggo, it went a bit further with these kids.


They were trying to rile up the doggo while safely behind the fence.


So he unhooked the dog to let the kids have a scare.

What do you make of this specific story? Has your dog ever come to your aid in a dangerous situation? If so, what was the circumstance? Share your thoughts in the comments, and be sure to pass along this story to your friends so they can also recount their own experiences.


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